Monday, December 9, 2013

See you soon, Jim

I was one of more than 1,000 people that flooded the Auburn Church of Christ Sunday to pay respect to a man that changed lives and inspired thousands of people to look to Jesus. Jim Brinkerhoff died last week after 30 years with the Auburn Christian Student Center. The sheer number of family, friends and former students in attendance is enough to tell the story of who Jim was and what he meant to so many.

Photo from Walt Malone

Over the last few days, I have read many tributes to Jim through blogs and social media. Each one of those tributes describing our beloved campus minister as a man of God who taught us what it means to serve the Lord.

I posted the following on facebook the day after he passed away:
My heart is still heavy with the news of Jim Brinkerhoff's passing. As the campus minister at the Auburn's Christian Student Center, Jim touched thousands of lives as he helped students develop and own their faith. 
What I remember most about Jim is how he poured himself into every lesson. You could tell how much he cared about what he was saying in those brief pauses where he would hold up a finger and invite you in to his thoughts a little deeper.

The lesson I try to live by and will always remember is a simple one: "I am a Christian who just happens to be a student(or whatever your current occupation or circumstance)". I have repeated this countless times in various lessons and conversations.

Jim Brinkerhoff was a giant of our faith in the way he lived his life always pointing to Jesus, showing us what it means to live Matt. 5:16. His legacy will live on throughout the world through us who shine the light we saw in him so abundantly.

Sunday's service was captured on video. You can watch it in its entirety at the Auburn Church of Christ website under sermons.

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