Monday, November 4, 2013

A Spiritually Stubbed Toe

Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.  (Psalm 119:105)
Have you ever walked through a dark room and stubbed your toe?  What a painful experience as you hop on one foot and try to console your injured toe by clutching it in your hand.  If only you had taken the time to turn on the light, or grab a flashlight to guide each step.  But, you didn’t.  Now, look at the pain it has caused.

In the 119th Psalm we find the word of God compared to a lamp, a light to guide us on our path.  That is because this world that we live in is full of spiritual darkness.  If we try to feel our way through on our own, we will get hurt a lot worse than a stubbed toe.  But, if we turn to God’s word, our path in this race will be illuminated and clear.  

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