Sunday, January 25, 2015

Paint, Piercing and Propitiation

Okay, yes it's the classic alliteration perhaps overused by some preachers (there's another "p" if you're keeping track). But, it really does sum up what the sermon is all about.

Posted below is video of my sermon from Monrovia in December. I shared a message that has been pretty heavy on my heart the last few months. I have been thinking a lot about what it means to follow Jesus after reading Kyle Idleman's "not a fan" (You should check it out if you haven't read it). There is one quote from chapter 10 that really got me thinking. Idleman says, "A belief, no matter how sincere, if not reflected in reality isn't a belief; it's a delusion." I even wrote about it in my last blog post

I've taught bible classes on this concept of living out our belief using some ideas from Idleman. That morphed into a sermon in November at Wichester Road Church of Christ. From that sermon, I expanded on a couple of ideas and with the help of a video from Jefferson Bethke, developed the sermon below. 

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